Just More Media and Government Agency Scientific Dishonesty

Oh… How the OC Register Has Changed

I have been a long-time subscriber to the Orange County Register (OCR). Its original founders (in 1905) were pro-business and staunch libertarians. As is the case, all things change, the second group of long-time owners (70-years), the Hoiles family had internal clan problems along with changes in media (internet) and politics; democratic voting. It all changed the fate of the paper and after some major financial problems it was bought in 2012 along with the parent company, Freedom Communications by the 2100 Trust, a private investor group controlled by Aaron Kushner. The 2100 Trust incidentally also bought the Inland Empire’s Press-Enterprise in 2013.

Politically, Mr. Kushner’s leanings seem to be to the left (he donated $4,600 to Obama in 2007), but compared to the LA Times editorial board, somewhat conservative. Yet I have noticed the green agenda being succumbed to by the paper’s editorial staff. Read more

Do You Think There Oughta Be a Law….Against Stupid Laws?

Last month, on Sept. 16, all motorists including drivers of large trucks, even on narrow hilly, mountain and coastal rural roads will be required to maintain a 3-foot buffer between their vehicles and cyclists, and they may only pass cyclists “traveling in the same direction” when “there’s enough space.” If not enough space is available, the motorist must slow down and pass “when no danger is present to the bicyclist,” according to the DMV. Read more

State Fund Free Seminars for Employers

State Fund is holding three free seminars for employers on Violence in the Workplace.

The seminar will cover a host of topics, including steps to minimize the risk of incidents, preparing for Active Shooter situations,

identifying high-risk industries, recognizing warning signs and precursors to violent behavior, and much more. Read more

Improving Focus on Safety

How Successful Fleets can Mitigate Increased Insurance Cost

By Chris Mitchell – Wood Gutmann & Bogart Insurance Brokers

It’s time to get back to fundamentals. I’m talking about safety. We all want drivers productive and healthy and our equipment working to profitably grow operations.

There are signs the economy is improving. We’re focused on helping grow you grow your operations; it’s been a long time coming. An improving economy means more work and potentially more accidents for our members. Now is the time to ensure programs are in place to create a best in class operation and reduce the likelihood of experiencing a loss that could cripple the business. Read more

The Great American Trucking Show Dallas Texas

Joe and I attended the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, Texas on Thursday, August 21 through Saturday, August 23. While Dallas, Texas may seem like an unlikely place to promote our association, Texas is actually our second biggest market for association services behind California. We were promoting participation in American Alliance Drug Testing, Western Trucking Alliance, American Alliance Authority & Compliance and the Coalition of American-Latino Truckers. Read more

9th Annual Truckers Wanted Truck Show & Job Fair

We set-up shop at the Truckers Wanted Truck Show (a Latino trucking industry focused show) on Sunday, August 10, 2014 in Whittier. I spent the day discussing CCTA membership benefits and discounts with all the truckers who stopped by the booth. This show was a great opportunity to showcase the American Alliance Authority & Compliance, since it was a job fair, there were many new CDL holders who are just getting started, who were present at the show. Read more

Have Apportioned Registration?

Get Ready for the Full Reciprocity Plan

A major change will occur next year for all trucks registered under the International Registration Plan (IRP). The change will automatically make your base plate valid in all IRP jurisdictions in the U.S. and Canada. Changes will also eliminate the need for “adds” or trip permitting in jurisdictions where you are not currently registered to operate. Read more

Congress Returning from Summer Recess

August is traditionally a slow news month in the trucking industry, unless you are into reading recycled stories designed to simply raise your blood pressure (gotta keep ginning up the masses someway to appear relevant when there is nothing new to report). One significant reason for the lack of major (trucking related) news is that both congress and the White House disappear from Washington and go on “vacation” during the month of August.

Members of congress return to their districts during August or embark on lavish overseas trips of “national importance” to their constituents (a.k.a. junkets) leaving a void in the national news reporting cycle. Personally, I have always liked the idea of congress taking extended vacations – anytime congress is not in session, they are not passing more laws further restricting our freedom (yeah, I’m that jaded). Read more

Clarifying the Los Angeles Certified Truck Hauler List

Recently, a member called requesting clarification regarding the City of Los Angeles Certified Truck Hauler List. Our member was bidding a job where he would be hauling out dirt, concrete, and asphalt in separate loads and wanted to make sure that he did not have to use the certified truck hauler list. We told our member that this policy did apply to the job that he was bidding with the city. Read more

Declaration of GVW/Combined GVW

Just a reminder that all registered owners or lessees of commercial motor vehicles operating at 10,001 pounds or more Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) or Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGVW) registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) are required to declare the gross/combined gross weight at which their vehicle(s) will operate. The only exception to this regulation is pickup trucks with no body type modifications and an unladen weight under 8,001 pounds and a GVWR of 11,499 pounds and under. Read more